Sign up for our Summer Reading Program 2022, "READ BEYOND THE BEATEN PATH."
Here is your link to register online:
The library recycled 500 milk jugs and made an igloo. Kids and adults love to play and read inside. We had a fantastic Valentine after school party. We watched a short movie, had snacks, made a "no-sew heart pillow" and ended with some reading and playing.
Weekly Storytimes
Weekly Storytime is a great opportunity for your children to socialize with other young children while developing communication, cognitive, and fine motor skills. Weekly storytimes occur one day a week on Thursdays at 2 pm. Children can listen to stories and participate in fun-filled age-appropriate activities. Come and join us for some fun
Every summer, public libraries all across the United States offer a summer reading program to encourage children to read during the summer. A summer reading program can prevent summer reading loss and offer struggling and/or reluctant readers. Along with the summer reading program, public libraries support literacy efforts by encouraging lifelong reading by providing access to books, ebooks, audiobooks, the internet, computers, and literacy-based programming.
Here at Mitchellville Library, we promote reading as many books during the summer as you can. You can share the stories and adventures of the book you read with our staff or your library friends. We have many arts and crafts we do together, we play games, have social hours, singing and dancing. We do Story Book Stroll out at Thomas Mitchell Park every year. This year we asked Runnells Library to join us, and it has been fun. This year our kids read books, and instead of receiving a prize at the end of the summer, we decided to give back. We are giving back to Thomas Mitchell Park, and they will receive a little book house for the camp area, donated from our summer reading kids.

Reading colors your world, and so does children's art. What a fun day, and look at all the beautiful masterpieces of art they created.